Greenline Hybrid Yachts
Website programming
Greenline Hybrid Yachts provided me with full mockups to launch a new website. Their old website was outdated, slow and very difficult to manage. We wanted to tackle all those things and be future proof. Therefore we choose JAMstack. There were several issues that needed to be tackled.
With high quality images, large content pages such as the yacht pages and many other heavy landing pages, the choice fell on Next.js. A robust choice, which helped to created an extraordinary fast website. With loading times below 3s and even instant loading after the first page, navigating through the site is a breeze.
It needed to be easy for the marketing team to edit the pages and to add yachts or blog posts to the site. Prismic makes it easy to give access to others and the interface is easy to get used to. On top of that, Prismic is multi-language ready and features a CDN for it’s assets.
Together with Next.js, GraphQL and Apollo was deployed. These technologies help developers create really developer friendly APIs and it will maintain the project over time. Additionally, we needed GSAP and Fullpage.js for animations.
The old website had over 1700 links, and we didn’t want to lose the google ranking. The old URLs were redirect with regexes and several disabled languages fully redirected. Meta titles and descriptions are a must, as well as a friendly HTML structure.
Tech stack