In order to post the data we need to verify the origin of the domain. In WordPress it\’s quite normal to have the verify_nonce available, but in React we need to be able to access the nonce.
Below you can find the code for the post request.
POST with Axios
Make sure you have this libary included in your React project. And use the same headers here. The URL is your endpoint in WordPress. Headers must include the X-WP-Nounce and there the global variable is needed.
const whs_global = window.whs_global axios({ method: \'post\', headers: { \'X-WP-Nounce\': whs_global.nonce }, url: \'/wp-json/xyz/v1/wholesale_register/\', data: values, }) .then((response) => { this.setState({ message: \'success\' }) }) .catch((error) => { this.setState({ message: \'failure\' }) })
Localize script for React
Whenever you enqueue in the assets from the build file in React, you\’ll need to localize the script with the nonce. This you can then access in React through the window global.
The nonce is needed to verify that this is an authorized request coming from the same domain.
I\’ve added the full enqueue below.
<?php defined( \'ABSPATH\' ) or die( \'Direct script access disallowed.\' ); add_action( \'init\', function() { add_filter( \'script_loader_tag\', function( $tag, $handle ) { if ( ! preg_match( \'/^whs-/\', $handle ) ) { return $tag; } return str_replace( \' src\', \' async defer src\', $tag ); }, 10, 2 ); add_action( \'wp_enqueue_scripts\', function() { if(is_page_template( \'page-templates/wholesale-registration.php\')) : $asset_manifest = json_decode( file_get_contents( WHS_ASSET_MANIFEST ), true )[\'files\']; if ( isset( $asset_manifest[ \'main.css\' ] ) ) { wp_enqueue_style( \'whs\', get_site_url() . $asset_manifest[ \'main.css\' ] ); } wp_enqueue_script( \'whs-runtime\', get_site_url() . $asset_manifest[ \'runtime-main.js\' ], array(), null, true ); wp_enqueue_script( \'whs-main\', get_site_url() . $asset_manifest[ \'main.js\' ], array(\'whs-runtime\'), null, true ); $data = array( \'nonce\' => wp_create_nonce(\'wp_rest\'), ); wp_localize_script(\'whs-main\', \'whs_global\', $data); foreach ( $asset_manifest as $key => $value ) { if ( preg_match( \'@static/js/(.*)\\.chunk\\.js@\', $key, $matches ) ) { if ( $matches && is_array( $matches ) && count( $matches ) === 2 ) { $name = \"whs-\" . preg_replace( \'/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/\', \'-\', $matches[1] ); wp_enqueue_script( $name, get_site_url() . $value, array( \'whs-main\' ), null, true ); } } if ( preg_match( \'@static/css/(.*)\\.chunk\\.css@\', $key, $matches ) ) { if ( $matches && is_array( $matches ) && count( $matches ) == 2 ) { $name = \"whs-\" . preg_replace( \'/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/\', \'-\', $matches[1] ); wp_enqueue_style( $name, get_site_url() . $value, array( \'whs\' ), null ); } } } endif; }); });
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