Freelance Web Developer & Tech lead

With a passion for technology, I’ve been supporting businesses all over the world. My goal is to resolve
real business problems with technical solutions. Learn how and why I do this.


I build fast, reliable and scalable websites uses the best practices. I make sure website matches the design the envisioned design.


Setting up shop online? I’ll help bring online shops to life. Setting up full shop includes a lot of details and I can guide you through you the process.

Web applications

Need to digitalise a service to handle customers better or optimise internal processes? We can think together on how to implement a fitting solution

Building the
greatest impact.

Based on my experiences and education i have developed
a keen sense of business mind, as well as a strong technical
foundation. This makes me the ideal business partner.

A closer look at my clients

I’ve worked in different industries and company sizes, but generally I am working on things related to the web.